Monday, March 23, 2009

More extended version of what happened to me....

I didn't post what happened as far as my surgery on my etsy blog...I figured most people visit that blog just to read about shop related info only.
Anyway, since november I've had a huge amount of pain that would come and go from day to day. I wasn't until I'd get up in the morning until I would figure out what kind of day it was going to be! Needless to say, I've been through some serious crap!
Even though I had been to a bunch of doctors, I felt like I was getting the run around and met my braking point Feb. 26 when my mother found me laying on the floor next to my son's pack n' play. (thank god for mommy's coming to visit!) I was then taken by ambulance to local hospital, which then decided I had too serious of a problem for them to deal with so then they sent me by ambulance to Lehigh Valley Cedar Crest Hospital in Allentown.
Sooooo, first I had a greenfield filter installed in my jugular vein to catch my blot clots, and then was wheeled in for 8 hours of surgery. A very large cyst on my left ovary, twisted my ovary and then attached itself to my intestines, and my spleen. My uterus was ruined due to too muh scar tissue and endometreous. Spent 2 days in ICU, and another 2 uncontous in another highly monitored area. When I woke up, yikes!
I just came home friday from living with my mom with the baby until I could handle taking care of him without that much help. My husband has to work full time or we will lose everything so it's been ruff!
Hopefully in another week or so I will be good enough to re-open my etsy shop and having a life again! Catch yuz later,